Career & Life Planning Links

Career and Life Planning Resources

Career Assessments and Portfolio Development U/N --------  p/w: --------  Then you need your on personal login to access IPP; includes a job search feature for the local area.

Ontario Skills Passport - site where jobs and associated skills and work habits are linked; provides a variety of assessment tools

OSP IPP Interactive  Education and Career Life Planning Resources

Service Canada -research engine where you can find out job descriptions and employability stats.

College and University Programs and Applications

OCAS site to research and apply to college  

Ontario University Application Centre - site to research and apply to university

Career Colleges Ontario - site to research private colleges (Homepage)

CCO College Search - (as above - search page)

Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities - links to post-secondary education, apprenticeships, Job Bank/job postings, OSAP, etc.

Financing Education

OSAP - info about OSAP and link to an Aid Estimator

CanLearn - go to “Online Tools”, then click on “Student Financial Assistance Estimator”.  This is a good sit to use students of low income families, full and part time students with dependent children, and students with permanent disabilities.

Paying for College: Tuition and Financial Assistance - page from OCAS - has links to various scholarships

Apprenticeships and Tech

College of Trades - site to research careers in the trades (Homepage)

Trades in Ontario (as above - direct link to trades) is a virtual Employment Ontario resource centre focused on the skilled trades and apprenticeship program and is located in Durham Region; some available jobs are posted

Earn While You Learn

CareerMash - Inspiring Jobs in Technology